Connected Home Terminology & Tips


Mumbo Jumbo


We’ve compiled some of the terms – commonly used & weird words – to help you make sense of the instructions that come with your connected home products – whatever device / whatever brand.

If you understand, you’ll enjoy the process of automating your home or garden and it could lead to energy savings, efficiency & good fun in the home, office or whatever environment you’ve chosen to ‘get smart’ with.

In discussions with sales staff and other keen automation people you will be able to

  • refrain from using generic words such as ‘thing’ & ‘contraption’ etc
  • refer to routers and hubs instead of ‘black box’, ‘white box’ & ‘the thing with all the lights on it’, and
  • keep your hands calmly under your chin in a thought pose instead of wildly drawing cable diagrams in the air trying to describe what you want or have connected where, or pointing to the cloud in the sky while referring to the virtual storage of data.

We’re here to help so read on.

Click here for sanity saving terminology – don’t forget to jump back to the Connected Home page to learn about products and selection from Globe Mitre 10.


These are some of our tips we feel safe in passing on because in using the connected home products we’ve stumbled and learned and now we’re passing the wisdom onto you.

Login credentials

Be consistent with the use of your email addresses used to register and login to Alexa, Google Home & Apple Home.  If you have a Yahoo email account and register your BrilliantSmart device with it in the BrilliantSmart app you won’t be able to use voice control via Google Home if you have a login. To fix this:  register your socket device in the BrilliantSmart app with your Gmail email account and then you can activate it using Google Home which you’ve logged into using Google email account

RTM – Read the Manual

Follow the instrutions from beginning to end. It really is the best tip.  Don’t wing it – there can be some fussy steps and everything goes alot smoother if you follow the instructions.

At Globe, our customers come first & so we’re doing more for homemakers, renovators, and tradies.


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